Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States of America once noted that “nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent”.
The desire to cultivate resilience is probably more popular now than ever, as more and more of us seek to develop our own online business. Entrepreneurship is one of the deepest journeys of personal development you can undertake. I can tell you from experience that every one of your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging strategies will come roaring into your world like an angry bull!
But is resilience something that can be learnt and developed? I believe it is, and I'm sharing my 7 best top tips so you can stand firm in your belief and desire to create a business you love to live the life of your dreams.
Maintaining a sense of perspective
Keeping a sense of perspective was a key factor in developing resilience. The key here is to keep an eye on the big picture as well as the small details. Whwn we hold our end goal, for example, a life of time and financial freedom that makes a positive impact on the world, whilst staying focused on a couple of key steps each day, to keep the needle moving forward and make incremental upgrades we can maintain focus and concentration.
Viewing decisions as active choices, not sacrifices
Building a business can be simple. but it's not always easy. We have to put in the work. Whilstwe want to keep it as simple,, hustle-free and fun as possible, there is no escaping that we have to put in the time and effort. And sometimes that means we have to make choices to keep going when tthereare things we would rather be doing instead. When I know I've got to get something done but I'd rather be out on my mountain bike I reframe my commitment as an active choice and not as a sacrifice. I focus more on keeping my motivation levels high and less on what I am missing out on.
Surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good and further your development
Poet John Donne once said that “No man is an island”. The more we isolate ourselves, the more we brood over bad decisions which increases our stress and frustration. As Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore said in his acceptance speech, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”.
As well as making ourselves feel better, other people can also have an impact on our effort levels. Surrounding yourself with the right peers, and enrolling on a program or mastermind with accountability will increase your work ethic and productivity.
Believing in your ability to overcome hardships and guide your own destiny
Researcher Angela Duckworth states that having a sense of hope and optimism is a key component to developing resilience and grit. Indeed, researchers from Staffordshire University have found that if you believe you have the abilities to meet the demands of the situation, you are more likely to rise to challenge, rather than buckle under the pressure. We have the power of choice in how we react to situations, and the decision we make at each moment creates our future. Getting intentionally about my decision-making has been a huge driving force in growing my business,
Failing better
Albert Bandura, one of the most eminent psychologists of our time once said that “in order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life”. Essentially, some failure along the way is inevitable.
Indeed, Elbert Hubbard once said “a failure is a man who has blundered and not cashed in on the experience”.
Setbacks are not always a bad thing. In coaching we can teach our clients how to fail better, by encouraging them to ask for feedback, reflecting on what they’ve learnt and what they would do differently. I actively ask for this information in the weekly accountability forms my Soul Infused Business clients complete, both in the 1 to 1 and 1 to many environments,
Some stress
Don’t totally avoid stressful situations. Some stress can be helpful, as it means you care. Excessive stress can hinder learning and damage well-being. Finding the right balance is tricky but important, Self-regulation and resilience are closely linked, so finding a system that balances action with sef care is vitally important. Burn-out is very real and best avoided. If you find yourself thinking that you won't earn enough money unless you 'work harder' I recommend that you work on your money mindset as this die-hard habit is the result of a deeply held limiting belief around money.
Being flexible and adaptable so that you can respond well in challenging situations
Bruce Lee who noted that “the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind”.
Being adaptable is a key part of resilience, as well as setting effective goals. Research suggests that having a growth mindset makes you more adaptable, and as such able to deal better with change and transitions as well as promoting resilience.
When I find myself faced with a challenge I take time to acknowledge my feelings, become mindful n the moment and tell myself that everything is OK, and there's nothing I can't figure out. I take a look at the big picture, and then focus on what I need to do, or change in the near future to deal with the challenge. I break that down into simple actionable steps and work through them.
These are my 7 ways of developing resilience. I'd love to hear which of these you plan to nation or other strategies you use that work for you. You can reply to me at