Powerful learning experiences to uncover your inner power and potential to create the life of your dreams
Here you’ll discover courses that blend practical techniques with soul-rooted vision and energy alchemy practices to nurture and grow your life in joyful partnership with your soul and the subtle energy realms with hold the patterns or blueprints for all creations.
Explore the wisdom of nature and be reborn through landscape healing.
Collaborate with the spirit of your home to create a safe and supportive place that nurtures you in body, mind and soul.
Cultivate your inner capacity to be a source of soul in your life and in the world.
Re-vision and transform the stories that no longer serve you, and craft new, living stories in your life.
Explore these offerings one at a time, or experience the synergy they weave together. They are designed to build upon, support and complement one another, to help you shape a business in harmony with your most cherished values and your heart’s truest desires.

Wouldn't you like to live your soul's desires?
To create a world that enables you to live in joy and experience your dreams?
Imagine embodying: expansion, opportunity, success, resilience, flexibility, freedom, purpose, clarity?
Step into your power to create a life you love, with your soul as compass & guide. Imagine what it would feel like to live, love, work & play from a place of true power — the power to bring your most radiant visions to life.
Pendulum Dowsing is an INCREDIBLE tool for obtaining answers to questions we have no other way of knowing! Sadly it is often dismissed because of what people think dowsing is, rather than what it actually is.
Dowsing is the skill and craft of asking questions and obtaining useful and actionable answers from the quantum realms of information.
Dowsing Mastery will give a thorough grounding in tools techniques and applications in all areas of health and wellbeing.